Kick out Rejection.

Its one of those days,when the glass is half empty. It seems everyone is getting married.getting new jobs ,having new things and events in their lives except you. Its beginning to sound like a conspiracy,nothing is in your favour and you are feeling frustrated and rejected. My sister,here is help for you.

You do not have to go out looking for attention when you have God. There is no one that has not had one thing to think of.We have all had a share of ups and downs. Though we all crave human attention and a shoulder to cry on,we can not depend on other people. It is only God the can complement you the way no one can.You have God's 100% undivided attention.

Rejection can be deadly,it robs you of your joy and can lead you to suicide.
To disarm Rejection focus on positive things,build a steady relationship with God and of course focus on giving.


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